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Events at Ferryboat Inn Sinah Beach in Hayling Island

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Quiz Night with Ian James

Quiz Night with Ian James

Wednesday 15th January 20:00 - 23:00

Join us for a Quiz Night with Ian James at Ferryboat Inn. Fun, prizes, and brain-teasing questions!

Bingo Afternoon

Bingo Afternoon

Thursday 16th January 00:00 - 00:00

Bingo at Ferryboat In! £15 tickets. Make friends and have fun with 5 games and 2 flyers! 🎉

Over 65s 25OFF FOOD

Over 65s 25OFF FOOD

Tuesday 21st January 12:00 - 21:00

Silver Savings! Over 65? Enjoy 25% off food at Ferryboat Inn. Don't miss out on this tasty deal!

Quiz Night with Ian James

Quiz Night with Ian James

Wednesday 22nd January 20:00 - 23:00

Join us for a Quiz Night with Ian James at Ferryboat Inn. Fun, prizes, and brain-teasing questions!

Bingo Afternoon

Bingo Afternoon

Thursday 23rd January 00:00 - 00:00

Bingo at Ferryboat In! £15 tickets. Make friends and have fun with 5 games and 2 flyers! 🎉

Over 65s 25OFF FOOD

Over 65s 25OFF FOOD

Tuesday 28th January 12:00 - 21:00

Silver Savings! Over 65? Enjoy 25% off food at Ferryboat Inn. Don't miss out on this tasty deal!

Quiz Night with Ian James

Quiz Night with Ian James

Wednesday 29th January 20:00 - 23:00

Join us for a Quiz Night with Ian James at Ferryboat Inn. Fun, prizes, and brain-teasing questions!

Bingo Afternoon

Bingo Afternoon

Thursday 30th January 00:00 - 00:00

Bingo at Ferryboat In! £15 tickets. Make friends and have fun with 5 games and 2 flyers! 🎉

Over 65s 25OFF FOOD

Over 65s 25OFF FOOD

Tuesday 4th February 12:00 - 21:00

Silver Savings! Over 65? Enjoy 25% off food at Ferryboat Inn. Don't miss out on this tasty deal!

Quiz Night with Ian James

Quiz Night with Ian James

Wednesday 5th February 20:00 - 23:00

Join us for a Quiz Night with Ian James at Ferryboat Inn. Fun, prizes, and brain-teasing questions!

Bingo Afternoon

Bingo Afternoon

Thursday 6th February 00:00 - 00:00

Bingo at Ferryboat In! £15 tickets. Make friends and have fun with 5 games and 2 flyers! 🎉

Ferryboat Inn Sinah Beach
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If you would prefer to speak to one of our team at Ferryboat Inn Sinah Beach, Hayling Island, please contact us on 023 9246 3459